Friday, April 23, 2010

"Parking-lot Pimpin"

What is "parking-lot pimpin"? It is an action I define as;

Popular amongst the "younger crowd" of club goers. Usually after a club/party ends young people, esp. males, will stand in the parking lot with their boys sometimes in the open, but often next to high priced vehicles such as an Escalade or a Benz that they've rented from a Rent-A-Car and must have returned by 10am the following morning.

Males perform this action with hopes of catching the interest of a young lady strolling through the parking lot leaving the club on her way to her car. The goal of these young men is to create such a contact with these women in hopes of "hooking up" at the end of the night!

Well to all you "parking-lot pimpers" I have a question for you. If you can't attract a woman inside of the club where there's the influence of alcohol and music, which can make a woman much more provocative on and off the dance floor, WHAT IN THE HELL makes you think you're going to talk a girl into "hooking up" at the end of the night outside the club? It's likely she's trying to leave the bar to hook up with someone else whose already at home and not standing outside in the parking lot because they obviously have wayyyy more "game" than you do! Perhaps we should try another approach fellas? Just a thought!